DADSCAN (Exploring the Role of Fathers in Singapore During the First 6 Years of their Child’s Development)

Influence of paternal involvement on child’s development
In many countries around the world, fathers are becoming more involved in their child’s development and in parenting. Research has established the importance of fathers for children’s development in areas such as cognitive, social and emotional development, as well as physical health.
What does A*STAR IHDP hope to do?
In this study, we will conduct a series of Focus Group Discussions to explore beliefs about the role of fathers in Singapore and the ways in which fathers and fathers-to-be are involved in children's lives. We hope that this work will inform interventions that can empower Singapore fathers and families in their roles as caregivers for young children.
How can you help?
You can participate in our study if you meet the following criteria:
- Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident and are currently residing in Singapore.
- At least 21 years old
- A father-to-be or father with at least one child up to 6 years old
- Speak and understand English as a primary or second language
- Have access to a device (i.e. computer or laptop) with a stable Internet connection
- Agree to recording of the focus group discussion
What should you expect?
You will be invited to participate in an online focus group discussion session with 3 to 5 other fathers. This online session is expected to last about 1.5 hours, including the time taken to go through the information sheet, sign the consent form and complete a demographic questionnaire.
To find out more, email, or simply click here to fill in the form.
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