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A*STAR Publications in Quantum Research

2025 20242023 2022 2021

Nat. Commun., 2025, 16, 1374
T. Wang, W. Lee, M. Limes, T. Kornack, E. Foley, and M. Romalis
Appl. Phys. Rev., 2025, 12, 011308
G. Liu, W. Zhou, D. Gromyko, D. Huang, Z. Dong, R. Liu, J. Liu, C.W. Qiu, and L. Wu
Laser Phys. Lett., 2024, 22, 015203
A. Sabanin, L. Krivitsky, and A. Paterova
rscInfrared imaging with visible light in microfluidic devices: the water absorption barrier
Analyst, 2025, 150, 405-413
M. Suryana, T. Produit, H. Yang, G. Birarda, J.V. Shanmugar, L. Krivitsky, A. Paterova, and G. Grenci
Phys. Rev. A, 2024, 110, 062429
S.Q. Zhou, H. Jin, J.M. Liang, S.M. Fei, Y. Xiao, and Z. MA
Phys. Rev. D, 2024, 110, 115029
S. Kalia, D. Budker, D.F.J. Kimball, W. Ji, Z. Liu, A.O. Sushkov, C. Timberlake, H. Ulbricht, A. Vinante, and T. Wang
Nat. Commun., 2024, 15, 10383
J.R. Soh, M.E. Merkel, L.V. Pourovskii, I. Živković, O. Malanyuk, J. Pásztorová, S. Francoual, D. Hirai, A. Urru, D. Tolj, D.F. Mosca, O.V. Yazyev, N.A. Spaldin, C. Ederer & H.M. Rønnow
Phys. Rev. Applied, 2024, 22, 054070
B. Shajilal, L.O. Conlon, A. Walsh, S. Tserkis, J. Zhao, J. Janousek, S. Assad, and P.K. Lam
Nat. Commun., 2024, 15, 9804
D. Gromyko, S. An, S. Gorelik, J. Xu, L.J. Lim, H.Y.L. Lee, F. Tjiptoharsono, Z.K. Tan, C.W. Qiu, Z. Dong, and L. Wu
Adv. Optical Mater., 2024, 2402463
J. Wang, J. Yang, B. Yu, Z. Wu, M. Jiang, C.Y. Wu, Y. Wang, F.X. Liang, X. Ma, L. Li, and L.B. Luo
Phys. Rev. A, 2024, 110, 5, 052603
W. Zo, B. Bilash, D. Lee, Y. Kim, H.T. Lim, K. Oh, S.M. Assad, and Y.S. Kim
acsProbing Spectral-Hole-Burning in Non-Hermitian Scatterings: Differentiating Far-Field Interference and Near-Field Coupling
ACS Photonics, 2024
W.J. Zhou, J. Liu, R. Liu, J.F. Zhu, D. Gromyko, C.W. Qiu, and L. Wu
Commun. Phys., 2024, 7, 357
J. Xing, Y. Li, D. Qu, L. Xiao, Z. Fan, H. Ma, P. Xue, K. Bharti, D.E. Koh, and Y. Xiao
acsInfluence of Substrate Defects on the Electronic Properties of the WS2 Monolayer/Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Heterostructure
ACS Nano, 2024
T.D. Maddumapatabandi, F. Bussolotti, W. Fu, H. Kawai, K.E.J. Goh
acsElectrical Control of Valley Polarized Charged Exciton Species in Monolayer WS2
ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 39, 26911-26919
S. Das, D. Huang, I.A. Verzhbitskiy, Z.E. Ooi, C.S. Lau, R. Lee, C.P.Y. Wong, and K.E.J. Goh
mdpi Mapping Guaranteed Positive Secret Key Rates for Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution
Entropy, 2024, 26, 10, 865
M.T. Sayat, O. Thearle, B. Shajilal, S.P. Kish, P.K. Lam, N.J. Rattenbury, and J.E. Cater
Light. Sci. Appl., 2024, 13, 282
X. Shi, S.S. Mohanraj, V. Dhyani, A.A. Baiju, S. Wang, J. Sun, L. Zhou, A. Paterova, V. Leong, and D. Zhu
springer natureGeometrical bounds on irreversibility under correlated noise channels
Quantum Inf Process, 2024, 23, 363
J.K. Xu, W.J. Yu, W.L. Yang, and J.B. You
acsLiquid Metal Oxide-Assisted Integration of High-k Dielectrics and Metal Contacts for Two-Dimensional Electronics
ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 39, 26911-26919
D. Venkatakrishnarao, A. Mishra, R. Lee, S. Das, S. Mukherjee, T. Talha-Dean, Y. Zhang, F. Bussolotti, K.E.J. Goh, and C.S. Lau
Phys. Rev. Research, 2024, 6, 3, 033315
S.K. Yung, L.O. Conlon, J. Zhao, P.K. Lam, and S.M. Assad
Phys. Rev. Research, 2024, 6, 3, L032047
K.H. Lim, W.K. Mok, J.B. You, J.F. Kong, and D. Aghamalyan
Adv. Phys. Res., 2024, 3, 2300146
J.Y. Tee, M. John, W. Fu, T.D. Maddumapatabandi, F. Bussolotti, C.P.Y Wong, and K.E.J Goh
Nat. Commun., 2024, 15, 7047
C. Zheng, G. Hu, J. Wei, X. Ma, Z. Li, Y. Chen, Z. Ni, P. Li, Q. Wang, and C.W. Qiu
Phys. Rev. Lett., 2024, 133, 4, 040802
L.P. Garcia-Pintos, K. Bharti, J. Bringewatt, H. Dehghani, A. Ehrenberg, N.Y. Halpern, and A.V. Gorshkov
acsNoncentrosymmetric Nowotny Chimney Ladder Ferromagnet Cr4Ge7 with a High Curie Temperature of ~207K
Chem. Mater., 2024, 36, 16, 7656-7664
Z. Yu, K. Zhou, X. Hou, X. Chen, Z. Tao, Y. Ye, W. Xia, Z. Li, J. Zhao, W. Wu, Z. Liu, X. Wang, N. Yu, J. Cheng, J.L. Luo, Q. Zhang, V.Y. Pomjakushin, Z. Zhong, S. Zhang, J.R. Soh, X. Lu, and Y. Guo
Nat. Commun., 2024, 15, 5807
J.M. Koh, T. Tai, and C.H. Lee
APL Quantum, 2024, 1, 036102
A.C. Leung, W.Y.S. Lau, A.D. Tranter, K.V. Paul, M. Rambach, B.C. Buchler, P.K. Lam, A.G. White, and T.J. Weinhold
Phys. Rev. B, 2024, 110, 2, 024405
E. Heinrich, A. Nakamura, S. Nishihaya, E. Weschke, H. Rønnow, M. Uchida, B. Flebus, and J.R. Soh
PRX Quantum, 2024, 5, 3, 030303
R. Lecamwasam, S. Assad, J.J. Hope, P.K. Lam, J. Thompson, and M. Gu
AVS Quantum Sci., 2024, 6, 033802
F.Y. Leong, D.E. Koh, J.F. Kong, S.T. Goh, J.Y. Khoo, W.B. Ewe, H. Li, J. Thompson and D. Poletti.
Quantum, 2024, 8, 1382
S.P. Kish, P.J. Gleeson, A. Walsh, P.K. Lam, and S.M. Assad
springer natureComplexity of Quantum Circuits via Sensitivity, Magic, and Coherence
Commun. Math. Phys., 2024, 405, 161
K. Bu, R.J. Garcia, A. Jaffe, D.E. Koh, and L. Liang
Phys. Rev. A, 2024, 109, 14, 062603
S.X. Li, W.L. Mu, J.B. You, and X.Q. Shao
ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces, 2024, 16, 24, 31738-31746
T.H. Dean, Y. Tarn, S. Mukherjee, J.W. John, D. Huang, I.A. Verzhbitskiy, D. Venkatakrishnarao, S. Das, R. Lee, A. Mishra, S. Wang, Y.S. Ang, K.E.J. Goh, and C.S. Lau
Optics Express, 2024, 32, 12, 21412-21421
J. Zhang, K. Panicker, T.Y.L. Ang, R.J. Goh, and V. Leong
EPJ Quantum Technol., 2024, 11, 34
C.F. Sun, X.Y. Chen, W.L. Mu, G.C. Wang, J.B. You, and X.Q. Shao
Adv. Quantum Technol., 2024, 7, 5, 2300461
C. Chia, D. Huang, V. Leong, J.F. Kong, and K.E.J. Goh
Adv. Mater., 2024, 36, 26, 2400858
W. Chen, S. Zhu, R. Duan, C. Wang, F. Wang, Y. Wu, M. Dai, J. Cui, S.H. Chae, Z. Li, X. Ma, Q. Wang, Z. Liu, and Q.J. Wang
npj Quantum Inf., 2024, 10, 39
B. Wu and D.E. Koh
Phys. Rev. Lett., 2024, 132, 14, 140201
Z.P. Xu, D. Saha, K. Bharti, and A. Cabello
In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA '24), 2024, 235–245.
D. Gerlinghoff, B.C.M. Choong, R.S.M. Goh, W.F. Wong, and T. Luo
npj Quantum Inf, 2024, 10, 35
L.O. Conlon, B. Shajilal, A. Walsh, J. Zhao, J. Janousek, P.K. Lam, and S.M. Assad
Adv. Phys. Res., 2024, 3, 7, 2300156
C.H. Tho, X. Feng, L. Cao, G. Wang, S.J. Liang, C.S. Lau, S.D. Guo, and Y.S. Ang
2023 IEEE 25th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2024, 970-973
N.B. Jaafar, L. Hongyu, C.S. Choong, N.Y. Chyn, D. Huang, C.S. Lau, K.E.J. Goh, and K.J. Chui
2023 IEEE 25th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2024, 404-408
S.C.K Goh, C.H. Kumar, L. Hu, W. Shervonne, N. Jaafar, L.K.S. Yap, D. Huang, C.S. Lau, S.K. Karuppannan, L. Hongyu, C.S. Tan, and K.J. Chui
2023 IEEE 25th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), 2024, 227-230
Y.C. Ng, L. Hongyu, N.B. Jaafar, R.C.S. Lee, D. Huang, C.S. Lau, K.E.J. Goh, and K.J. Chui
National Science Review, 2024, 11, 5, nwae101
J. Li, J. Jahng, X. Ma, J. Liang, Q. Min, X.L. Wang, S. Chen, E.S. Lee, and X.H. Xia
Proc. SPIE 12911, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation IV,, 2024, 129110B
M. Sayat, S.P. Kish, P.K Lam, N. Rattenbury, and J. Cater
Proc. SPIE 12911, Quantum Computing, Communication, and Simulation IV,, 2024, 1291107
M. Sayat, M. Birch, O. Thearle, M. Copeland, E. Jager, F. Bennet, P.K. Lam, N. Rattenbury, and J. Cater
ACS Nano, 2024, 18, 12, 8706-8717
F. Bussolotti, H. Kawai, T.D. Maddumapatabandi, W. Fu, K.H. Khoo, and K.E.J. Goh
Quantum Sci. Technol., 2024, 9, 025010
V. Vijendran, A. Das, D.E. Koh, S.M. Assad, and P.K. Lam
Chem. Rev., 2024, 124, 4, 1992-2079
X. Sun, M. Suriyage, A.R. Khan, M. Gao, J. Zhao, B. Liu, M.M. Hasan, S. Rahman, R.S Chen, P.K. Lam, and Y. Lu
Nano Lett., 2024, 24, 7, 2142-2148
T. Aliyar, H. Ma, R. Krishnan, G. Singh, B.Q. Chong, Y. Wang, I. Verzhbitskiy, C.P.Y. Wong, K.E.J. Goh, Z.X. Shen, T.S. Koh, R. Rahman, and B. Weber
ieeeSatellite-to-Ground Continuous Variable Quantum Key Distribution: The Gaussian and Discrete Modulated Protocols in Low Earth Orbit
IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2024, 72, 6, 3244-3255
M. Sayat, B. Shajilal, S.P. Kish, S.M. Assad, T. Symul, P.K. Lam, N. Rattenbury, and J. Cater
quantumQuantum-optimal information encoding using noisy passive linear optics
Quantum, 2024, 8, 1218
A. Tanggara, R. Nair, S. Assad, V. Narasimhachar, S. Tserkis, J. Thompson, P.K. Lam, and M. Gu
Appl. Phys. Rev., 2023, 10, 041307
C.C. Tho, S.D. Guo, S.J. Liang, W.L. Ong, C.S. Lau, L. Cao, G. Wang, and Y.S. Ang
In Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides (eds A. Wee, X. Yin and C.S. Tang), 2023
M. Liu, Z. Chen, J. Bo, Y. Huang, K.E.J. Goh, A.T.S. Wee
nature Self-testing of a single quantum system from theory to experiment
npj Quantum Inf, 2023, 9, 103
X.M. Hu, Y. Xie, A.S. Arora, M.Z. Ai, K. Bharti, J. Zhang, W. Wu, P.X. Chen, J.M. Cui, B.H. Liu, Y.F.Huang, C.F. Li, G.C. Guo, J. Roland, A. Cabello, and L.C. Kwek
wiley Engineering and Controlling Perovskite Emissions via Optical Quasi-Bound-States-in-the-Continuum
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2023, 34, 2, 2309539
E. Csányi, Y. Liu, S.D. Rezaei, H.Y.L Lee, F. Tjiptoharsono, Z. Mahfoud, S. Gorelik, X. Zhao, L.J. Lim, D. Zhu, J. Wu, K.E.J. Goh, W. Gao, Z.K. Tan, G. Leggett, C.W. Qiu, and Z. Dong
rscProbing charge traps at the 2D semiconductor/dielectric interface
Nanoscale, 2023, 15, 42, 16818-16835
J.W. John, A. Mishra, R. Debbarma, I. Verzhbitskiy, and K.E.J. Goh
acs Toward Edge Engineering of Two-Dimensional Layered Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides by Chemical Vapor Deposition
ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 17, 16348-16368
W. Fu, M. John, T.D. Maddumapatabandi, F. Bussolotti, Y.S. Yau, M. Lin, and K.E.J. Goh
acsSingle Atomic Defect Conductivity for Selective Dilute Impurity Imaging in 2D Semiconductors
ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 16, 15648-15655
N.T.T. Vu, L. Loh, Y. Chen, Q. Wu, I.A. Verzhbitskiy, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, M. Bosman, Y.S. Ang, L.K. Ang, M. Trushin, and G. Eda
Phys. Rev. A, 2024, 108, 02, 022416
C.H. Chee, D. Leykam, A.M. Mak, and D.G. Angelakis
nature Enhancing quantum teleportation efficacy with noiseless linear amplification
Nat. Commun., 2023, 14, 4745
J. Zhao, H. Jeng, L.O. Conlon, B. Shajilal, K. Liu, T.C. Ralph, S.M. Assad, and P.K. Lam
emerald Variational quantum simulation of partial differential equations: applications in colloidal transport
Int. J. Numer. Method H., 2023, 33, 11, 3669-3690
F.Y. Leong, D.E. Koh, J.F. Kong, W.B. Ewe
mdpi Multiparameter Estimation with Two-Qubit Probes in Noisy Channels
Entropy, 2023, 25, 8, 1122
L.O. Conlon, S.M. Assad, and P.K. Lam
nature On the equivalence between squeezing and entanglement potential for two-mode Gaussian states
Scientific Reports, 2023, 13, 11722
B. Li, A. Das, S. Tserkis, P. Narang, P.K. Lam, and S.M. Assad
iopBand structure and spin texture of 2D materials for valleytronics: insights from spin and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Mater. Quantum Technol., 2023, 3, 032001
F. Bussolotti, T.D. Maddumapatabandi, K.E.J. Goh
nature Strong majorization uncertainty relations and experimental verifications
npj Quantum Inf., 2023, 9, 65
Y. Yuan, Y. Xiao, Z. Hou, S.M. Fei, G. Gour, G.Y. Xiang, C.F. Li, and G.C. Guo
In Valleytronics in 2D Materials (eds K.E.J. Goh, C.P.Y. Wong, & T. Wang), 2023
K.E.J. Goh, C.P.Y. Wong, and T. Wang
Chem. Rev., 2023, 123, 13, 8701-8717
C.K.Y. Tan, W. Fu, and K.P. Loh
aps Convex Optimization for Nonequilibrium Steady States on a Hybrid Quantum Processor
Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023. 130, 24, 240601
J.W.Z. Lau, K.H. Lim, K. Bharti, L.C. Kwek, and S. Vinjanampathy
aps Quantum Uncertainty Principles for Measurements with Interventions
Phys. Rev. Lett., 2023, 130, 24, 240201
Y. Xiao, Y. Yang, X. Wang, Q. Liu, and M. Gu
Mat. Today Chem., 2023, 30, 101593
R.J. Yeo, W.-Y. Wu, N. Tomczak, R. Ji, S. Wang, X. Wang, J. Kong, H. Liu, K.E.J. Goh, J. Xu, X.J. Loh, and Q. Zhu.
acs Dielectrics for Two-Dimensional Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Applications
ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 11, 9870-9905
C.S. Lau, S. Das, I.A. Verzhbitskiy, D. Huang, Y. Zhang, W. Fu, D. Venkatakrishnarao, K.E.J. Goh
ieeeDemonstration of a CMOS-Compatible Superconducting Cryogenic Interposer for Advanced Quantum Processors
2023 IEEE 73rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), 2023, 617-622
K.J. Chui, H. Li, Y.C. Ng, C.S. Lau, K.E.J. Goh, D. Huang, Y.C Tseng, J.K. Chen, H. Yu, B.N. Jaafar, H. Lin, and B. Varghese
Sci. China Inf. Sci., 2023, 66, 160409
S.M. Chan, E.T. Poh, J.F. Leong, K.E.J. Goh, and C.H. Sow
Nano Lett., 2023, 23, 9, 3708–3715
S. Chakravarthi, N.S. Yama, A. Abulnaga, D. Huang, C. Pederson, K. Hestroffer, F. Hatami, N.P. de Leon, and K.M.C. Fu
Electron. Struct., 2023, 5, 2, 024001
D. Kieczka, T. Durrant, K. Milton, K.E.J. Goh, M. Bosman, and A. Shluger
ACS Nano, 2023, 17, 8, 7929–7939
Y. Zhang, W. Fu, S. Das, F. Bussolotti, R. Lee, D. Huang, I. Verzhbitskiy, Z. Jiang, Z. Jiang, J. Chai, S.W. Tong, Z.E. Ooi, C.P.Y. Wong, K.E.J. Goh, and C.S. Lau
nature Surpassing the repeaterless bound with a photon-number encoded measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution protocol
npj Quantum Info., 2023, 9, 29
O. Erkılıç, L. Conlon, B. Shajilal, S. Kish, S. Tserkis, Y.S. Kim, P.K. Lam, and S.M. Assad
Array, 2023, 17, 100282
T. Huang, Y. Zhu, R.S.M. Goh, and T. Luo
Nat. Commun., 2023, 14, 1496
D. Renaud, D.R. Assumpcao, G. Joe, A. Shams-Ansari, D. Zhu, Y. Hu, N. Sinclair, M. Loncar
aip Interlayer hybridization in a van der Waals quantum spin-Hall insulator/superconductor heterostructure
AIP Advances, 2023, 13, 3, 035115
F. Bussolotti, H. Kawai, I. Verzhbitskiy, W. Tao, D.Q Ho, A. Das, J. Jia, S. Mukherjee, B. Weber; K.E.J. Goh
wileySolvent-Dependent Growth of Rigid Styrylstilbene Dicarboxylic Acid Microcrystals as Bent Waveguides and Microlasers
Adv. Photon. Res., 2023, 4, 4, 2200357
D. Venkatakrishnarao, S. Hasebe, Y. Egawa, J. Tapar, R. Paniagua-Domínguez, C.S. Lau, H. Yamagishi, H. Tsuji, and Y. Yamamoto
acs Hybrid Dielectric-Plasmonic Nanoantenna with Multiresonances for Subwavelength Photon Sources
ACS Photonics, 2023, 10, 3, 582-594
P.A. Dmitriev, E. Lassalle, L. Ding, D. Neo, V. Valuckas, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, J. Yang, H.V. Demir, and A.I. Kuznetsov
Nat. Mater., 2023, 22, 180-185
W. Niu, S. Sopp, A. Lodi, A. Gee, F. Kong, T. Pei, P. Gehring, J. Nägele, C.S. Lau, J. Ma, J. Liu, A. Narita, J. Mol, M. Burghard, K. Müllen, Y. Mai, X. Feng, and L. Bogani
nature A new entropic quantum correlation measure for adversarial systems
Sci. Rep., 2023, 13, 1436
B. Shajilal, E. Huntington, P.K. Lam, and S. Assad
iop2023 roadmap for materials for quantum technologies
Mater. Quantum. Technol., 2023, 3, 012501
C. Becher, W. Gao, S. Kar, C.D. Marciniak, T. Monz, J.G. Bartholomew, P. Goldner, H. Loh, E. Marcellina, K.E.J. Goh, T.S. Koh, B. Weber, Z. Mu, J.Y. Tsai, Q. Yan, T. Huber-Loyola, S. Höfling, S. Gyger, S. Steinhauer, and V. Zwiller
nature Approaching optimal entangling collective measurements on quantum computing platforms
Nat. Phys., 2023, 19, 351-357
L.O. Conlon, T. Vogl, C.D. Marciniak, I. Pogorelov, S.K. Yung, F. Eilenberger, D.W. Berry, F.S. Santana, R. Blatt, T. Monz, P.K. Lam, and S.M. Assad
mdpi Geometrical Bounds on Irreversibility in Squeezed Thermal Bath
Entropy, 2023, 25, 1, 128
C.J. Zou, Y. Li, J.B. You, J.K. Xu, C.E. Png, and W.L. Yang
optica Dynamics of quantum coherence for multiple nitrogen–vacancy centers coupled to a nanocavity under external driving
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2023, 40, 2, 266-272
J. Xu, Y. Zhong, Z. Zeng, and J.B. You
Interplay of Purcell effect and extraction efficiency in CsPbBr3 quantum dots coupled to Mie resonators
Nanoscale, 2022, 15, 1652-1660
R. He, MM Meunier, Z. Dong, H. Cai, W. Gao, J. Zuniga-Perez, and X. Liu
Sci. Adv., 2022, 8, 47, eadd3868
J. Ho, Z. Dong, H.S. Leong, J. Zhang, F. Tjiptoharsono, S.D. Rezaei, K.C.H. Goh, M. Wu, S. Li, J. Chee, C.P.Y. Wong, A.I. Kuznetsov, and J.K.W. Yang
ieee Benchmarking Quantum(-Inspired) Annealing Hardware on Practical Use Cases
IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2024, 72, 6, 1692-1705
T. Huang, J. Xu, T. Luo, X. Gu, R. Goh, W.F. Wong
Light Sci Appl, 2022, 11, 327
D. Zhi, C. Chen, M. Yu, L. Shao, Y. Hu, C.J. Xin, M. Yeh, S. Ghosh, L. He, C. Reimer, N. Sinclair, F.N.C. Wong, M. Zhang, & M. Lončar
optica 12.6 dB squeezed light at 1550 nm from a bow-tie cavity for long-term high duty cycle operation
Opt. Express, 2022, 30, 21, 37213-37223
B. Shajilal, O. Thearle, A. Tranter, Y. Lu, E. Huntington, S. Assad, P.K. Lam, and J. Janousek
iopObservation of cross phase modulation in cold atom gradient echo memory
New J. Phys., 2022, 24, 093011
A.C. Leung, K.S.I Melody, A.D. Tranter, K.V. Paul, G.T. Campbell, P.K. Lam, and B.C. Buchler
Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 14950-14955
M. Nonahal, C. Li, F. Tjiptoharsono, L. Ding, C. Stewart, J. Scott, M. Toth, S.T. Ha, M. Kianinia, and I. Aharonovich
quantum Classical Shadows With Noise
Quantum, 2022, 6, 776
D.E. Koh and S. Grewal
Quantum, 2022, 6, 782
A. Katabarwa, S. Sim, D.E. Koh, and P.L. Dallaire-Demers
optica Cancellation of photothermally induced instability in an optical resonator
Optica, 2022, 9, 8, 924-932
J. Qin, G. Guccione, J. Ma, C. Gu, R. Lecamwasam, B.C. Buchler, and P.K. Lam
Adv. Optical Mater., 2022, 10, 2200557
X. Xiong, Y. Lai, D. Clarke, N. Kongsuwan, Z. Dong, P. Bai, C.E. Png, O. Hess, and L. Wu
natureVariational quantum evolution equation solver
Sci. Rep., 2022, 12, 10817
F.Y. Leong, W.B. Ewe, and D.E. Koh
nature Asymmetric parametric generation of images with nonlinear dielectric metasurfaces
Nat. Photon., 2022, 16, 561-565
S.S. Kruk, L. Wang, Z. Dong, B. Sain, J. Yang, T. Zentgraf, and Y. Kivshar
apsStatistical complexity of quantum circuits
Phys. Rev. A, 2022, 105, 6, 062431
K. Bu, D.E. Koh, L. Li, Q. Luo, and Y. Zhang
nature Electrical Control of Surface Acoustic Waves
Nat. Electron., 2022, 5, 348-355
L. Shao, D. Zhu, M. Colangelo, D.H. Lee, N. Sinclair, Y. Hu, P.T. Rakich, K. Lai, K.K. Berggren, M. Loncar
aps Multiband superconductivity in strongly hybridized 1T′−WTe2/NbSe2 heterostructures
Phys. Rev. B, 2022, 105, 9, 094512
W. Tao, Z.J. Tong, A. Das, D.Q. Ho, Y. Sato, M. Haze, J. Jia, Y. Que, F. Bussolotti, K.E.J. Goh, B. Wang, H. Lin, A. Bansil, S. Mukherjee, Y. Hasegawa, and B. Weber
iop Quantum Technologies for Engineering: the materials challenge
Mater. Quantum Technol., 2022, 2, 013002
K.E.J. Goh, L.A. Krivitsky, and D.L. Polla
aps Coherent ground-state transport of neutral atoms
Phys. Rev. A, 2022, 105, 3, 032417
X.X. Li, J.B. You, X.Q. Shao, and W. Li
ieee Variational Quantum-Based Simulation of Waveguide Modes
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2022, 70, 5, 2517-2525

W.B. Ewe, D.E. Koh, S.T. Goh, H.S. Chu, and C.E. Png
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F. Bussolotti, J. Yang, H. Kawai, C.P.Y. Wong, and K.E.J. Goh