Japan-Singapore Joint Call for Proposals: Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) 2024
About the Grant
Japan and Singapore have a strong and longstanding partnership in bilateral research collaborations. This new joint grant call by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research of Singapore (A*STAR) aims to promote and strengthen bilateral collaborations and exchanges between researchers from Japan and Singapore in joint research projects of mutual interest.
On the Japan side, this funding measure is carried out under the international collaboration program which aims to build a “Complementary and Sustainable Research Ecosystem”, facilitating mutual growth as co-creating partners by enhancing sustainable research cooperation grounded in longstanding initiatives such as international collaborative research and the exchange of research personnel.
For Singapore, this funding measure is carried out under the Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 (RIE2025) plan. Teams from Singapore are encouraged to include collaborators from other ASEAN Member States. Possible collaborators from institutions in other ASEAN countries should seek their own funding or provide in-kind contributions.
The Research Fields for this collaboration program on Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Cutting-Edge AI Technologies Aimed at Societal Transformation
- AI for Smart Cities (incl. development of AI modeling and IoT technology to optimize urban infrastructure and services)
- AI for Sustainability (incl. development of AI algorithms to optimize energy usage, resource allocation, and environmental monitoring)
- AI for Trust and Safety (incl. development of AI-powered systems to design robust cybersecurity and safeguard user privacy)
- AI for Linguistic Diversity (incl. development of large-scale language models to accommodate diverse languages and promote cultural preservation and linguistic inclusivity)
*Proposed research is recommended to follow the subtopics above, but the themes are not limited to them hence the team is open to explore other subtopics related to the research field on Artificial Intelligence - Cutting-Edge AI Technologies Aimed at Societal Transformation.
Eligible Researchers for JST Support:
- Any independent researcher personally affiliated with (and actively conducting research at) a ‘Domestic Japanese research institution,’ regardless of nationality, is eligible to apply.
- 'Domestic Japanese research institution' refers to universities, independent administrative institutions, national/public testing and Research Institutions, specially authorized corporations, public-service corporations, and enterprises, etc. that satisfy requirements predetermined by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Please refer to the MEXT homepage for more information: https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/kansa/houkoku/1324571.htm
- The Japanese applicants must also complete a research ethics training program conducted by the research institute with which the Principal Investigator (PI) is affiliated, and then declare the completion of the program to JST. If it is very difficult for the Japanese PI to undertake a program provided by his or her affiliated institute, they should contact JST. Please note that unless applicants complete a research ethics program, his / her application will be deemed ineligible. For more details, please refer to the call announcement page linked from the JST homepage.
- Japanese applicants will have to register their applications on the Cross-Ministerial R&D Management System (e-Rad: https://www.e-rad.go.jp/index.html).
Eligible Researchers for A*STAR Support:
- Singapore-based PIs are eligible to apply if their primary appointment is 75% or more in a local publicly funded research institution.
- Applications must be endorsed by the applicants’ Host Institution/s, prior to submission.
- Applicants must deliver their project in accordance to the A*STAR Grants Terms & Conditions and Guidelines.
Grant Call Timeline
Event | Date |
Call announcement | 06 August 2024 at 1:00 PM (JST) / noon (SGT) |
Deadline of submission | 30 September 2024 at 1:00 PM (JST) / noon (SGT) |
Selection results announcement | End January 2025 |
Expected start of granted projects | April 2025 |
Application Procedure
The Principal Investigator from Japan must submit the collaborative proposal to JST and the Principal Investigator from Singapore must submit the joint proposal to A*STAR. Identical copies of the proposal must be submitted to JST and A*STAR, respectively.
Submission Procedure for JST:
Application documents by the Japan-based researcher should be submitted through the online e-Rad platform ( https://www.e-rad.go.jp/).
Submission Procedure for A*STAR:
Applicants from the Singapore-based researcher must submit the joint proposal to A*STAR through the iGrants platform ( https://igrants-app.a-star.edu.sg/).
Application Materials
Japan-based applicants: inquiries to JST regarding this Call for Proposals should be sent to joint-call-ja@jst.go.jp
Singapore-based applicants: inquiries to A*STAR regarding this Call for Proposals should be sent to oga_bilats@hq.a-star.edu.sg
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