What is CHORUS?

CHORUS is a federated database where Singapore hospitals, universities, and research institutes can store their genomic data. It is intended for clinical annotation to improve precision diagnostics and treatment.

Who can be a CHORUS contributor?

Anyone generating genotypic or sequencing datasets can be a CHORUS contributor. Please see our policies to contribute

Who can be a CHORUS user?

Researchers or clinicians studying genomics of Singapore population for precision medicine initiatives can be a CHORUS user. A CHORUS contributor can also be a CHORUS user.

How are variants added to CHORUS?

Contributors upload variants from their study to DNAnexus. The CHORUS database administrator will format the dataset into the correct format, and then release the dataset for use to participating researchers and clinicians.

How are data confidentially maintained by CHORUS?

The dataset is visible to a neutral third party (DNAnexus).

Who is DNAnexus?

DNAnexus provides a global network for sharing and management of genomic data and tools to accelerate genomics. For more information, refer here.

What accreditations does DNAnexus have?

DNAnexus uses the ISO 27002 international security standard to manage and monitor security. This comprehensive risk-based security, privacy and compliance framework covers people, process, and technology domains, and provides the control objectives that support compliance with CAP, HIPAA, CLIA, GCP, 21 CFR Part 11, and the US-European Data Privacy Safe Harbor regulations.

How do I query CHORUS database?

In general, you have to obtain an account, agree to the terms and conditions and create a project before you can start querying CHORUS database. Please refer to this document for details.

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