Established in December 2021, the A*STAR Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3) Mobile Laboratory is a containment lab designed to facilitate work on Risk Group 3 or BATA First Schedule microorganisms that pose an increased risk of aerosols spread to the individual. Aligned to World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines, our BSL3 Mobile Laboratory can host up to six research teams with a maximum of three researchers per containment in the same booking period.

Our BSL3 Mobile Laboratory Platform is open to research collaborations and can provide services such as validation of inactivation methods, advanced training in microbiological methods and good laboratory practices, consultation in biosafety and SOP development to the research ecosystem. 

How it works?
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Our Services:
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For inquiries, please contact:

Song Hui TAN
Biosafety Officer, A*STAR High Containment (BSL-3) Facility

Click here for A*STAR Biosafety Level 3 Mobile Laboratory Flyer