
In Vivo
Scientists at ID Labs work with in vivo models that provide real-world, physiologically relevant data on the biology and treatment of dangerous diseases. In vivo malaria infection models are used as a platform for evaluating the efficacy of novel therapeutics and studying host-pathogen interactions and immunobiology, while specific models of anaemic malaria and cerebral malaria allow targeted research on specific complications. Infection models of Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), o’nyong’nyong virus (ONNV), Zika virus (ZIKV) (including a model of Zika-induced immunodeficient embryonic development) and Dengue virus (DENV) provide valuable insights on these tropical diseases, and Plasmodium coinfection models of CHIKV and ONNV enable investigations of these clinically relevant but understudied pathologies. From a bacterial standpoint, researchers at ID Labs employ mouse models of infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa – an opportunistic pathogen often associated with multidrug resistance – and aerosol infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

In Vitro screening platforms
In vitro models of infectious disease allow thorough investigation of the molecular mechanisms of pathology, high-throughput studies of novel drugs and genetic targets, and visualization of the specific effects of novel therapeutics on pathogens. In concert with in vivo models, in vitro models allow scientists to build a complete picture of infectious disease and engage in detailed and efficient study of potential diagnostics and therapeutics. At ID Labs, researchers use in vitro drug screening models (both for single drugs and combination therapies), novel reporter systems for drug discovery, and forward and reverse genetics approaches to target deconvolution (identifying molecular targets responsible for observed phenotypic changes in response to small molecule treatment).

For inquiries, please contact:

Cindy PHUA
Head, Lab Operations
Contact no.: +65 6407 0308

Tian Tian YAP
Senior Research Officer I
Contact no.: +65 6407 0074

Hui Yi TAY
Research Officer
Contact no.: +65 6407 0557