
A*STAR ARTC Supply Chain 4.0

The A*STAR ARTC Supply Chain 4.0 programme is a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) program to research and co-develop digital and automation technologies with industry partners to enable responsive, resilient, and secure supply chains.

Our Innovation Themes


"Through collaboration with the Government bodies such as EDB and A*STAR, we are able to leverage Singapore’s status as a reliable, integrated and sustainable supply chain hub. We hope to forge stronger collaborations and innovations in integrated and sustainable technological solutions as foundations upon  which agility and resilience can be built." — Sam Garcia, Senior Vice President, Supply Chain, P&G APAC, Middle East & Africa, Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific trade show, 22 November 2021.
Tay Ming Hui of PD Solutions
"A*STAR creates new opportunities for local SMEs like us through R&D [...] By working with A*STAR – we are a member of the A*STAR ARTC consortium – we have evolved rapidly and moved up the value chain. For example, we collaborated with A*STAR ARTC researchers to implement an automated solution for Coca-Cola, also an A*STAR ARTC consortium member – first in the company’s factory in Singapore, then in other parts of the world. We are keen to take on such projects for supply chain resilience too." — Tay Ming Hui, Managing Director, PD Solutions, Industrial Transformation Asia-Pacific trade show, 22 November 2021.

Riding the wave of Industry 4.0

In line with Industry 4.0, the organic growth of global supply chains has faced newfound challenges in recent years—including ageing populations in many countries, evolving customer demands, as well as greater frequency and more diverse means of cyber threats. 

This is on top of the numerous black swan disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters.

In order to pre-empt and address the above challenges, businesses are required to embrace innovations in order to remain competitive and relevant in an increasingly globalised supply chain network. 

Supply Chain 4.0 is precisely the public-private collaborative effort, designed by experts in the field to help companies gain an edge in approaching their problem statements with targeted solutions. 

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