Multi-modal AI for Digital Health

Multi-modal AI for Digital Health - Introduction

Getting Healthy with Data Science

A*STAR is dedicated to leveraging the power of multi-modal AI and data science to promote and sustain healthy living. We have a multitude of research cohorts on Asian-centric populations and diseases drawing from a rich set of data sources. 

Through innovative data aggregation and analytic approaches, we aim to empower individuals to make more personalized decisions about their health and disease from prevention to screening, diagnosis, monitoring and intervention. 

Join us on this journey towards a healthier future, where a rich biomedical data repository coupled with advances in data science serve as a catalyst for improved health outcomes.

Case Study

Deep Learning in Heart Failure Cohort Studies for New Dx & Therapeutic Discovery

Multimodal AI for Digital Health -- ATTRACT
The ATTRACT Data Flow
Cardiovascular Disease Research
Key members of the research collaboration: (from left) Prof Roger Foo (Programme Director, ATTRaCT, and Senior Group Leader, GIS), Dr Karin Conde-Knape (Senior Vice President, Global Drug Discovery, Novo Nordisk), Dr Rasmus Rabøl (Corporate Vice President, Global Translation, Novo Nordisk), Dr Natasha Michaelsen (Principal Scientist, Global Translation, Novo Nordisk), Prof Mark Richards (Director, Cardiovascular Research Institute, NUS, and Deputy Director, National University Heart Centre), Prof Derek Hausenloy (Research Director, Senior Consultant, NHCS), Prof Carolyn Lam (Senior Consultant Cardiologist, NHCS)(not pictured), and Dr Sebastian Maurer-Stroh (Executive Director, BII)(not pictured). Photo from A*STAR News.

The Asian neTwork for Translational Research And Cardiovascular Trials (ATTRACT) exemplifies the transformative power of multi-modal AI in healthcare.

Spanning 50 sites across 12 countries, this extensive network integrates clinical, biomarker, and imaging data to advance heart failure research and treatment. By leveraging AI-driven models, ATTRACT accelerates drug discovery, optimizes clinical trial processes, and personalizes patient care. The initiative's success is highlighted by significant partnerships, including one spin-off and a follow-on deal, underscoring its impact on the future of cardiovascular medicine.


US2.AI: Decision-making in Echocardiography

US2.AI is revolutionizing the field of echocardiography with its advanced AI decision tool. This cutting-edge solution transforms traditional ultrasound analysis by drastically reducing the time and variability involved in clinical assessments. The mobile, cloud-based software reduces analytic time from 30 minutes to 2 minutes, minimizes user interactions from 250 clicks to 1 click, and eliminates variability. US2.AI's tool is not only more efficient but also more accessible, offering a non-invasive, radiation-free, and cost-effective alternative for heart diagnostics.

By preparing DICOM data at scale for machine learning, US2.AI paves the way for enhanced diagnostic accuracy and comprehensive cardiac care.

US2.AI Preview
Preview of US2.AI

Empowering Healthcare Collaboration Through Privacy Preserving Technologies

Privacy Preservation for Multi-modal AI
Our Privacy Preservation Methods and Technologies

A*STAR has developed a suite of advanced privacy-preserving technologies to facilitate multi-party, cross-regional, and data-driven healthcare collaboration. These technologies ensure robust privacy and security, enabling effective data sharing in an increasingly interconnected world.

Case Study

Privacy-preserving technologies to enable healthcare collaboration

A*STAR-EVYD Joint Lab Signing Ceremony

EVYD, in collaboration with A*STAR, has established a Joint Lab backed by a significant S$10 million investment. This initiative represents a multi-institutional, cross-border collaboration aimed at advancing AI technologies for population and digital health. The Joint Lab focuses on leveraging privacy-preserving technologies to enable seamless healthcare collaboration, ensuring that sensitive patient data remains secure while facilitating innovative research and healthcare solutions. By combining efforts, EVYD and A*STAR are set to drive significant advancements in AI applications, ultimately enhancing patient care and public health outcomes.

Find out more here.

Accelerating Delivery of Clinical Insights through Trusted Research Environments

BC Platforms
A*STAR-BC Platforms Joint Lab Signing Ceremony

BC Platforms initially joined forces with A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm Research Singapore (I2R), to become the first to introduce homomorphic encryption (HE) into its platforms, allowing collaborators to share and analyse data at speed, with decryption taking place only as the results are revealed. Since then, the collaboration has evolved into a joint laboratory to accelerate the translation of healthcare data management and analysis into clinical applications.

The collaboration leverages BC Platforms’ cutting-edge platform technology as the bedrock for the development work being embarked on together. Their expertise in data management and analysis complements A*STAR’s multidisciplinary capabilities in cohort data analytics, processing and management, artificial intelligence/machine learning and privacy-preserving technologies which will contribute towards the generation of clinically valuable insights into disease progression and treatments, benefiting patients locally and transforming healthcare services of the future.

Find out more here.