Artificial Intelligence, Analytics & Informatics (AI3)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising our industries and society, impacting the way we live, work and play. At A*STAR, we conduct research and development (R&D) across a spectrum of AI topics in our research institutes in both the science and engineering and biomedical domains. Broadly, the R&D work can be split into two main areas.

Firstly, User-Inspired Basic Research (UIBR) in which we investigate and develop cutting edge advances in fundamental AI topics such as Self-Aware Continuous Learning Models and Neuro-Symbolic AI. A*STAR also recently launched the Centre for Frontier AI Research (CFAR) in December 2022, which aims to lead and advance UIBR in AI within the broader scientific community of A*STAR. More information on CFAR can be found here.

Secondly, Applied & Translational Research (ATR) in which AI is applied to use cases in key sectors including manufacturing, transport, healthcare and education. Often, our AI work involve symbiotic collaborations with other Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs), public agencies and/or companies to deliver impact and value.

To provide an overview of our AI work, the notable AI-related R&D work have been summarised into eight different topics (below) covering the UIBR and ATR spaces.

Within A*STAR, the Artificial Intelligence, Analytics & Informatics (AI3) Horizontal Technology Coordination Office (HTCO) plays a role in coordinating and catalysing the development of A*STAR’s AI capabilities, strategy and talent. It serves as the “one-stop shop” for all external parties looking to find out more about AI work within A*STAR and potentially collaborate.


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