
Dr Cheng-I Wang joined SIgN in 2009 as head of the human monoclonal antibody technology platform, focusing on the discovery and development of human antibodies against infection and immune disorders. Prior to joining SIgN, Dr Wang had worked in the field of drug discovery for a number of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies in the US.

His research has been focusing on designing novel functions into protein and antibody molecules using a combination of structure-based rational design and combinatorial approaches. Dr Wang received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Washington University and postdoctoral training in the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco.

Adjunct Positions

  • Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences, NTU, Singapore Research Focus

Research Focus

Our laboratory explores the therapeutic and prophylactic potential of human monoclonal antibodies against infection and autoimmune diseases using a wide range of antibody discovery technologies. Using EBV-immortalized B cells we have successfully isolated multiple Chikungunya virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies from an infected individual. Tests in animal models are underway to establish the properties of the antibodies in vivo.

We are applying the same technology to isolate auto-antibodies recognizing pro-inflammatory cytokines in both healthy donors and autoimmune patients. Another antibody technology we are currently exploring utilizes sophisticated cell sorting techniques in conjunction with recombinant antibody technology.

Recombinant antibodies from antigen-specific memory B cells are displayed on the surface of the mammalian cells, allowing target specific monoclonal antibodies to be isolated by FACS. This technology is now being applied to our enterovirus project. The ability to isolate human monoclonal antibodies not only allows us to discover potential therapeutics but also facilitates our understanding of the human B cell response to different diseases.


Lab Members

Postdocs (Ph.D)Research Officers
Helen HUANGRabi’atul Adawiyah Binte MINHAT
Sandy LEEEve NGOH 

Mun Kuen SOH 

Yvonne YEAP 

Frannie TEO 




Publications_Cheng-I Wang (last updated 23 July 2024)