The Women Changing The Face Of HPC
As recently as 2017, however, women have represented only ten percent of all high performance computing paper authors. While there is not yet an abundance of women in HPC, their contributions have been impactful and far-reaching. Supercomputing Asia spoke to two female researchers who have made a name for themselves in the sector, not solely as women in computing, but as distinguished specialists in their fields.
In the recent article, Asian Scientist Magazine spoke with Dr Freda Lim, Deputy Department Director, Materials Science & Chemistry at A*STAR's Institute of High Performance Computing to hear how she advances commercial computing and drives collaboration in the region.
“My first ‘real’ computational chemistry project in graduate school involved semiconductor materials while my second was trying to find catalytic materials for carbon monoxide oxidation at IHPC,” explained Dr Lim. “Though both topics intrigued me, nothing fascinated me more than looking into the chemistry and interactions behind consumer care products because these are what we come into intimate contact with every day.”
Read the full article from Asian Scientist Magazine - The Women Changing The Face Of HPC.
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