
Services - IDEA Model_Basic

Our Strategy:

Accelerate your product development journey with the Innovation Factory's agile, iterative IDEA Model framework. Our iterative process ensures rapid progress through ideation, customer focus, development, prototyping, and industrialization.

Our Expertise:

Research. Design. Experience.

Consultancy Projects 
Our cross-disciplinary team with varied interests, skills and expertise offers professional advice for designing and developing a product. We work with a wide range of companies coming from different industries, thus understand that every project is unique, and we strive to fill in the gaps to ensure all requirements are met.

Design and Development Projects
When engaging companies, our team of consultants will discuss the Go-To-Market strategy of the intended solutions with problem owners, assess the viability of market adoption of the intended products or services, and approve projects for execution.  The team will also conduct rigorous technical design reviews at different gates of the projects.

Design & Product Innovation Workshops
Design Thinking is a human-centered approach to problem solving with a strong emphasis on user empathy, collaboration, creative ideation, co-creation with rapid prototyping and stakeholder feedback. Our design workshops provide opportunities for companies to embrace empathic tools to develop insights about the users. Navigate seamlessly with the support of our interdisciplinary team, make data-driven decisions to drive successful product innovation.

IF Membership:
Sharpen your company’s competitive edge with IF’s membership. Benefit from expert consultations, leverage A*STAR’s research & technology prowess. Access cutting-edge resources at our facility and connect to our network of industry partners. Join our membership and embark on your product innovation journey today.