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MASTERCLASSES and other programmes



The Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) invites international domain experts to share their expertise in a short 2 to 3 full-day Master Classes for manufacturing specialists, engineers, managers as well as other industry professionals and executives. The Master Classes, in close collaboration with funding agencies such as SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and Workforce Singapore (WSG), draw extensively on the international experts’ cutting-edge knowledge and industry experience.

List of masterclasses:

Note: International participants are required to make a pre-payment of their course fee (deposit) to secure their seats and complete their registration for this masterclass. For more details, please read the "ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS" section in the course webpage.

Collaborative Industrial Project (CIP)

SIMTech and ARTC assist the industry through consortia and collaborative industry development projects (CIPs) to bring together organisations with similar needs and offer opportunities for cost-sharing and work within the industry ecosystem.

List of CIP courses:
