Key Features
Manufacturing-as-a-Connected Service

With Manufacturing-as-a-Connected-Service
leveraging on high-availability such as WiFi6 and 5G connectivity, the Model
Factory is embedded in a multi-site manufacturing value chain that showcases
last-mile product customisation through the use of micro-factories in the city
Circular Manufacturing

The Model Factory offers a cyber-physical platform for the experimentation and development of holistic circular manufacturing concepts including Design for Circularity, Smart Sorting and Disassembly of end-of-life products and the fostering of contextualized Industrial Symbiosis capabilities. Our aim is to collaboratively innovate smart and sustainable manufacturing technologies, contributing to a more environmentally friendly future.
Design for Circularity
Product designs that facilitate repairs, extensions of lifespan and easily disassembled for repurposing, refurbished and recycling
Smart Sorting & Disassembly
Identify, categorize and separate components/materials from end-of-life products and waste streams to maximise resource recovery
Industrial Symbiosis
A collaborative and mutually beneficial platform where manufacturers exchange resources, waste, energy, or expertise to promote sustainability and efficiency
Immersive Digital Twin

Digital twin-assisted operations for immersive on-the-job guidance, remote training, and manufacturing decision support by harnessing AR/VR, simulation, and optimisation technologies.
Collaborative Production Sandbox

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