Real Time Dashboard (RTD) provides Total Operations Visibility (TOV) in near real-time throughout an enterprise to support operational analysis and decision-making. The RTD can cover different industry sectors, such as General Manufacturing, Logistics, F&B, MRO, etc., and dashboard data contents and their logical grouping in RTD can be customised and tailor-made according to the industry sectors’ contexts and company’s needs.

RTD consists of two major levels of technology – Component-Based Dynamic Data Acquisition and Dispatching (CB-DDAD) and Component-Based Dynamic Data Visualisation (CB-DDV). Companies can benefit from adopting RTD in aspects of increased real-time operations visibility by 100%, increased productivity and efficiency by 20~30%, and a shortened response time to unexpected events by 50%.

To download the brochure, please click here.


Real-Time Visibility of Key Performance Data via Web-based Visualization


Component-Based Dynamic Data Visualisation (CB-DDV) technology enables modular data contents with hierarchical and categorised grouping to support focused vision of key performance data with highlighting of unexpected events.

RTD is a web-based dashboard where each TV screen is a web page, which makes the dashboard highly flexible in its hierarchical layout. Figure 1 shows a RTD in three levels – Supply Chain & KPI, Enterprise and Shop Floor, for General Manufacturing in a 4 x 3 TV video wall. 


Production Overall Status and Detail Tracking

Real-Time-Production-Tracking Production-Tracking-Dashboard

RTD provides Production Tracking in an  overall and detailed level in near real time, enabling production personnel to understand the overall production status with the planned quantity vs. actual progress. If the backlog accumulates to a certain threshold level, RTD immediately highlights those Work Orders (WOs) in a Watch List, which draws the production manager’s attention and informs the person-in-charge to take action simultaneously.

The Production Tracking in detail level shows the current process that a WO reaches and other key info about the WO, such as the WO completion %, the estimated completion time, etc.


Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Trending


RTD provides real-time visibility of an important KPI at Enterprise level – OEE in Overall and Breakdown levels as well as with a Trending plot for individual machines for different period as shown in Figure 3. The 2nd layer breakdown info for the three dimensions – Availability, Performance and Quality can also be obtained by clicking on that dimension against a specific machine.


Component-Based Dynamic Data Acquisition and Dispatching (CB-DDAD)

CB-DDAD is a backend engine that collects various data required by the dashboard, controls data flow to avoid congestion, aggregates and dispatches data according to refreshing frequency needed by the DDV engine.

CB-DDAD collects data from various data sources through different interface modes, such as getting ERP, Corporate, 3rd-Party and MES systems through Application Programming Interface (API) in standard communication protocols, getting static Excel/.CSV data through file interfacing mode.  

For enquiries, please contact:

Dr. Zhao Yizhi, George
Principal Research Engineer
: 6510 1625 | :

Mr Gary Kwok
Industry Development Manager
: 6510 1690 | :