Real-Time Lean

Real Time Lean allows frontline staff to report problems at the workplace using any smart device, and assists Lean practitioners in managing Kaizen reports. Lean leaders can follow up with the alert by creating Kaizen report, adding members, root cause analysis, tasks assignment etc. The important info is tracked and displayed on a dashboard.




Dashboard that shows an overview of the Kaizen status. Namely; Updates since last login, Current Alerts, and Kaizen Newspaper Summary. A dashboard helps to provide simple and quick overview of all ongoing processes.


Multi-tool reporting

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Frontline staff can report a problem using different media, namely text, audio, image, and location. Doing so adds visibility to the problems than just words to describe, as well as increasing the clarity of problems highlighted. Users can also perform Kaizen On-The-Go, reporting problems instantly and anywhere through a mobile application.


Task Delegation and Ownership


Reported problems can be divided and assigned to specific personnel to take ownership of. Real-Time Lean provides visibility on assigned tasks, along with the person in-charge, deadline and status of tasks on hand.


For enquiries, please contact:

Ms Xu Xiao Xia Laura
Principal Research Engineer
☎ : 6319 4458 | ✉: