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A*STAR - Abrasive Engineering & A*STAR – Tru-Marine Joint Lab Opening Ceremony


ARTC has set up new joint labs with two local SMEs, to the tune of S$15 million to help these firm build new capabilities.

A new joint lab with Tru-marine with a combined investment of S$6 million for over 3 years with the objective of developing remote cloud-based condition monitoring of marine turbochargers. With the real-time monitoring system in place, it will increase engine efficiency to reduce unplanned maintenance and increase vessel operations in the sea.

Another joint lab with Abrasive Engineering which focuses on helping them to build advanced manufacturing capabilities and enter new industries, with a combined investment of S$5.5 million for over 3 years. With the new capabilities, AE will be future-ready to sustain revenue growth, create new jobs for local economy and support markets expansion to the global market.